Strike Day: 7th July 2023



  • Practice your individual reading and phonics. Follow teacher notes in your child’s record.
  • Practice writing phonic sentences using ICT games Caption Writer


  • Develop spatial reasoning skills through map making. The children in Reception have been thinking about maps and their local community this week. Draw a map of your journey from home to school or home to the shops. What do you see on your journey? Houses? Post box? Library? Doctors? You could always make it into a pirate map by drawing it on paper stained with a tea bag.
  • Practice number bonds to 10 with ICT games Save The Whale

Key Stage 1

Phonics: Use the links below to carry out a Speedy Sounds session. The colours correspond to the colours of the books you child brings home.

English: Continuing on from our Transition Day on Tuesday, use this PowerPoint to share the book ‘The Colour Monster’. Discuss the changes that will happen next year as your child moves into Year 2 or 3. Use the final slide, shown below, to draw your own bottles to show the things that make you feel happy, sad, scared/worried and angry about next year. We would love to see your work on Monday.

Year 1 Maths: We are going to continue with a new unit ‘Measuring Capacity and Volume’. Today we will learn how to Compare Capacity.

Year 2 Maths: We have been learning about different types of measurements. Today we will continue to use our knowledge of capacity to solve word problems. This is the first of two lessons. Part 2 ‘Solving Word Problems about Capacity and Volume’.

Year 3

English: Conduct research about animals which are endangered because of deforestation. You could base this on an animal in the Amazon rainforest, or you may wish to choose elsewhere. Create a report about your findings to help raise awareness to others.

Maths: We are going to further consolidate our understanding of time, learning to recognise ‘am’ and ‘pm’. Please complete this lesson from Oak Academy.

Year 4

English: Create a graphic novel chapter to re-tell the events from a certain part of Charlotte’s Web that we have read so far! Pick your favourite section to re-tell and remember to include dialogue and text to show what is happening alongside the pictures.

Maths: Continue building on our work with money and understanding how to find change using these two links:

Year 5

English: Revise the past, present and future progressive tense.

Maths: Explore the properties of palindromic numbers.

If you have more time, please speed up your times tables here: – Select the times tables that are best for you to target and practise.

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674 (Finance and Personnel enquiries) (Parent / Carer general enquiries) (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

What 3 Words: reflect.composed.vaulting