Strike Day: 5th July 2023



  • Practice your individual reading and phonics. Follow teacher notes in your child’s record.
  • Phonics Play – Buried treasure game Buried Treasure phonics
  • Write your own story about a pirate adventure. Draw a picture to go with it. You may want to make your story into a book…..ahar me hearties!


  • Adding and subtracting using a number track. Oak academy Adding and subtracting 
  • There are other lessons to help you practise using addition and subtraction on oak academy. Scroll through the ones you have not done.
  • Stain a piece of paper with a wet tea bag and leave it to dry. You will need this on Friday.

Key Stage 1

Phonics: Use the links below to carry out a Speedy Sounds session. The colours correspond to the colours of the books you child brings home.

English: Use this PowerPoint of the story ‘The Path’ to reflect on this last year and discuss the changes that have happened. You will need a piece of paper to complete an activity whilst you share the story.

Year 1 Maths: We are starting a new unit ‘Measuring Capacity and Volume’. Today we will learn how to compare the capacity of two containers. Lesson 1 ‘Comparing Capacity’.

Year 2 Maths: We have been learning about different types of measurements. Today we will use our knowledge of capacity to solve word problems. This is the first of two lessons. Part 1 ‘Solving Word Problems about Capacity and Volume’.

Year 3

English: To build on your work linked to a balanced argument about deforestation, create a leaflet to further persuade people to be aware of what is happening around the world and the impact of this! You might wish to find out some facts and statistics to support your argument – for example, how many trees are cut down in the Amazon Rainforest each second?!

Maths: We have started to develop our understanding of time and an essential skill to consolidate will be telling the time to the nearest minute on an analogue clock! Please complete this lesson from Oak Academy.

Year 4

English: To link to our work on Charlotte’s Web, create a diary entry from the point of view of Charlotte! We know that she is working on a plan to help save Wilbur so it would be wonderful to see her thought process behind how she might achieve this! Remember, she is a highly intelligent and skilled creature!

Maths: Consolidating your understanding of how to find fractions of an amount using this lesson from Oak Academy.

Please use the bar model that we have learned about in class to support this process.

Year 5

English: As you move into Year 6, you have a greater opportunity to share your pupil voice. With this in mind, please create a piece of writing to share your ideas and thoughts about Woodside. You should make sure to mention what you already like about our school as well as make suggestions of ways it could improve. You can choose how to present this but ideas include: writing a letter, creating a poem or even showing it in a graphic novel.

Maths: Recently in class, you have been working hard to secure your fraction knowledge. Please complete this lesson from Oak Academy to help with your understanding of equivalence.

If you have more time, please speed up your times tables here: – Select the times tables that are best for you to target and practise.

Year 6

English: Write a recount of your transition days! You can do this as a diary to yourself or maybe as a letter to us? You could even try and do it in the style of the voice notes you wrote based on Crater Lake! Perhaps you could even do it as a graphic novel? Show us in whatever way you would like to!

Maths: Children should use the following link to recap their knowledge and skills to show angles in a triangle. Just like in class, please make notes as you look at each question to help recall what you already know to help solve the problems.

If you have more time, please speed up your times tables here: – Select the times tables that are best for you to target and practise. 

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674 (Finance and Personnel enquiries) (Parent / Carer general enquiries) (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

What 3 Words: reflect.composed.vaulting