
At Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School we like our children to be in uniform. You can purchase items of uniform from Stevenson’s School Outfitters, 67 Ber Street, Norwich, NR1 3AD.

Telephone: 01603 622355

Email: norwichbranch@stevensons.co.uk

Online at www.stevensons.co.uk

Winter Uniform

  • Grey Skirt / Pinafore Dress
  • Grey or Black Trousers
  • Emerald Green Polo Shirt
  • Emerald Green Sweatshirt with School Logo
  • Plain, Sturdy, Black Footwear

Summer Uniform

  • Green Check Dress
  • Grey or Black Shorts
  • Emerald Green Polo Shirt with School Logo
  • Emerald Green Sweatshirt or Cardigan with School Logo
  • Plain, Sturdy, Black Footwear

PE Kit

On certain days, children will come to school and spend the day in their PE kits*. These will be the days that children have a PE lesson. Class teachers will let parents know which days these are via our curriculum letters.

We see PE kits as an extension of the children’s uniform, so it is important that all children wear the following:

  • White T-Shirt or with School Logo
  • Plain Black or Navy Shorts / Jogging Bottoms / Leggings
  • Black Hoddie with Logo or Emerald Green Sweatshirt / Cardigan
  • Trainers

*This does not include days where there are school sports clubs. Children will need to bring in their PE kits and change.

Please note, children in Nursery do not have formal PE lessons and specified kit. Please see your Nursery information booklet for details of appropriate daily clothing and footwear.


  • As part of our PE policy, children take part in indoor activities barefoot
  • On PE days, please provide a spare pair of shoes. These can be a second pair of trainers, plimsols or simply children’s school shoes. This is for times when we might get a bit wet or muddy outside

Jewellery & Accessories

  • Children should not wear jewellery in school. However, if ears are newly pierced and earrings are necessary, studs are permitted. These will need a tape covering provided by home when taking part in PE lessons
  • Wristwatches are also permitted but wearable technology, unless for medical purposes, is not


Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674

finance@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Finance and Personnel enquiries)
office@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Parent / Carer general enquiries)
bjarmain@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

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