Our Governors

Welcome to the Governors section of our website. The aims and values of the school are at the centre of everything we do as governors.

The Governing Body contributes to the strategic leadership of the school by working in close partnership with the Headteacher, Senior Leadership Team and school staff to provide both challenge and support. We are not involved with the day-to-day management or operational decisions of the school.

Our Governing Body is made up of a range of people with different skills and experience to support the strategic running of the school.

The core functions of governance are:

  • Clarity in the vision for the school, its’ ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding our executive leader to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure that money is well spent.
  • Ensuring that stakeholders voices are heard

We have a range of statutory responsibilities which include:

  • Safeguarding
  • Special Educational Needs
  • Pupil Premium
  • PE and Sports Funding
  • Equality
  • Curriculum
  • Health and Safety

We monitor these in a variety of ways. This includes reading and reviewing documents, visiting the school, talking to pupils, parents and staff. The School Improvement and Development Plan helps us ensure that the school is focussing on the right things to continue to improve and offer the best for pupils at Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery.

The Governing Body operates as a full board and does not have any committees currently. We have designated governors when committees are required for specific purposes such as Appeals. We form working parties when we need to undertake specific pieces of work that require additional input.

As Governors we have a Code of Conduct that is based on the Seven Principles of Public Life (Nolan). Some governors are elected and others such as ‘Co-opted Governors’ are recruited for their skills. If you would like to know more about school governance please contact the Chair of Governors via chairofgovs@hethersettwoodside.org.uk.

The clerk for the Governing Body is independent of the school and offers professional advice on governance to the board. Her contact details are: stephanie.grand@norfolk.gov.uk

Member of the Governing Board at Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School

Governor NameCategory of GovernorBody AppointingMembership of Committee(s) /Key ResponsibilitiesTerm of Office
Louise MainwaringHeadteacher   
Sonia InnesCo-OptedFGB 




Linda De BloemeCo-optedFGBMental Health & Wellbeing Committee




Liz JonesLocal Authority GovernorLocal AuthoritySLM Committee01/11/2023
Victoria SmithStaff GovernorStaffTeaching, Learning & Standards Committee



 Parent Governor   
Raheel SyedParent GovernorParentsTeaching, Learning & Standards Committee


Abdul Wadood MohammedParent GovernorParents

Health & Safety Committee

Mental health & Wellbeing Committee




Governor Profiles

Diane Perry-Yates

(Chair of Governors)

Mrs Louise Mainwaring

Head teacher

I am delighted to be the Head teacher of Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School.
I was appointed to this role in September 2023, and I am fortunate to work alongside a forward thinking group of Governors and staff.

My role on the Governing Board is to ensure Governors have a clear understanding of all aspects of our school; in order that they may challenge and hold leaders to account.

I have a considerable amount of school leadership experience, and am very driven to ensure our school is the very best it can be for every learner in our community.

Mrs Sonia Innes

I joined the board of governors at the end of 2023.  I currently work as Education Director for a not-for-profit community interest company, supporting schools in East Anglia.  I have worked in education for over 20 years, fourteen of which as a headteacher of three different primary schools.  I am passionate about ensuring all children receive a high quality education. I am delighted to be able to use my experience in education to support Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School.

Mrs Sarah Mardell

I have worked in primary education for over 30 years, as a class teacher, Early Years Adviser and Head Teacher, before taking early retirement in 2023. I am currently volunteering/ employed as a Family Support Worker at HMP Norwich. I have a great deal of experience in Early Years education, safeguarding and SEND provision and I am keen to use my knowledge and skills, to support Hethersett Woodside Primary School, where my daughter was once a pupil.

Mr Raheel Syed

I have been working for more than 22 years in different educational settings around the world. As Parent Governor I am honored to represent the voice of parents and guardians in the governance of Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School. My role is to ensure that the views and concerns of parents are heard and considered in all aspects of school life, fostering a collaborative environment that benefits the entire school community. My goal is to participate in the development and review of the school’s strategic plan, help shape the educational experience and opportunities for children.

The governing board which I am part of strives to uphold the values and ethos of the school, promoting a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment for all students. I welcome feedback, questions, and suggestions from all parents and guardians. Together, we can continue to build a thriving school community where every student can succeed. I look forward to working with you to support the success of our children and the school.

Mrs Anne Larner

I joined the board of governors in May 2024 and have experience of being a governor from when my children were younger. My children were all educated locally and I have been involved in village life for over 30 years. I worked for Norfolk Adult Education for many years and enjoyed my time in the classroom, as a manager and then as a trainer. Having taken early retirement, I am looking forward to using my experience and time to support Hethersett Woodside Primary school.

Mrs Linda De Bloeme

Mr Abdul Wadood Mohammed

I am a doctor by profession, working at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital and James Paget University Hospital as a Consultant in the department of Ear, Nose and Throat. Part of my work involves educating and training medical students and junior doctors. I volunteer as an assistant Coach at the Hethersett Badminton Club. I have lived in Hethersett from 2020 and I have seen my kids grow up and get educated by the wonderful team at Hethersett Woodside Primary School. I am passionate about helping the school to develop further and to cater for the needs of all the children in Hethersett. I feel that my role as a governor can help monitor and guide its progress.

Baiba Zivtins

I was elected as staff governor for the governing board in 2024. At my previous school, I enjoyed fulfilling the role for a term of 4 years and I am delighted to once more be part of the strategic running of a school. Having been a teacher and phase leader at Hethersett Woodside for the past 2 years, I am committed to working alongside all other governors in driving the school forward with its vision. 

Helena Baker

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674

finance@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Finance and Personnel enquiries)
office@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Parent / Carer general enquiries)
bjarmain@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

What 3 Words: reflect.composed.vaulting