Ideas and Resources to Support Home Learning: Maths

  • Younger children should have regular practise at recognising numbers up to 10. Lots of counting and grouping of everyday objects will help to reinforce good number sense.
  • When children are ready to start writing numbers, correct formation is really important. Try this 0 – 20 Number Formation sheet for practise.
  • Counting on and backwards is a really crucial skill to master. Number tracks and number lines can help reinforce this.
  • Consolidation of number bonds to 10 is a really important next step and helps massively when adding and subtracting. There are loads of free resources out there and you can play simple games yourself but why not try a Number Bonds to 10 Wordsearch or a Number Bonds to 10 Matching Game?
  • Once you have mastered number bonds to 10, move on to 20 through to 100.
  • By the end of primary school, children should know, off-by-heart, the times-tables from 1×1 to 12×12. Regular practise is really helpful and there are loads of free online games to make the learning fun.

Useful websites

  • Maths is Fun! Lots of advice and subject knowledge guidance is available here:
  • NRich: Head to theĀ Primary PupilsĀ section for lots of games and activities.
  • ICT Games: Lots of free online games are available here:

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674 (Finance and Personnel enquiries) (Parent / Carer general enquiries) (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

What 3 Words: reflect.composed.vaulting