Remote Learning

Strike Days:

Please click on each day to find the links to Oak National Academy for your child’s or children’s daily lessons.

5th July 2023

7th July 2023

Our Remote Learning Offer

Our remote learning is supported by our online platforms: Tapestry (EYFS), Google Workplace for Education tools such as Google Classroom and Purple Mash.  

Please see the schools offer for Remote Education here.

Remote Education Offer 2022 

Technical Help

All parents have been contacted with account details for both platforms. If you are having trouble logging in, please contact the school office and make your query FAO Mr Cole, who is our Digital Learning Coordinator. Alternatively, as EYFS Lead, Mrs Ingham may be better able to answer any queries with regards to Tapestry. 

This Google Classroom instructional video might be helpful viewing, if you are not familiar with the platform. 

The use of Tapestry in EYFS is well-embedded now but if you are new to the platform, please refer to the video below. 

Tapestry has also produced lots of other user guides on all aspects of the platform. This is available online. Use your browser to search for Tapestry Guide for Parents. You will be directed to numerous instructional videos such as this guide to Adding an Observation.  

Curriculum Letters

Our half-termly curriculum letters contain details of what your children are learning and also contain links to many other useful resources. 

Extended Learning

If you are looking for other home learning ideas, have a look at these resources relating to the different areas of the national curriculum.    

Maths                    English                    Science

Art & Design          Computing 

Design & Technology

Geography          History          Languages

Music          Physical Education

Religious Education   

Keep in Touch

Class teachers are willing to help if there is anything we can support with or do differently. A phone call to the school may be the best way to get in touch. Leave a message with the school office and teachers will call back as soon as they can. 

Alternatively, please feel welcome to email teachers directly. Please note, staff have full-time teaching commitments and they may not be able to respond immediately and these communications should take place between 09:00 and 17:00 on their working days 

If you do not have their email address, please send your query via the school office.  



Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674 (Finance and Personnel enquiries) (Parent / Carer general enquiries) (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

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