
We want children to enjoy learning through involvement in a meaningful, purposeful and relevant curriculum that develops lively, enquiring minds and gives children key knowledge and skills for life. Through our school curriculum, we are …

Growing lifelong learners who care share and shine

At Hethersett Woodside, we are currently thinking a lot about our curriculum and how to make it even better for our children.

We want to implement a knowledge-rich curriculum. The work we are doing on our school curriculum at the moment is all about designing progressively sequenced learning so that children know and remember more. We want children to think carefully about their prior learning, so their understanding is linked to what has been learned before. 

In this way, the learning is ‘sticky’. By this we mean that knowledge will be adopted much better because children have an opportunity to review previous learning. They begin by thinking about what they have already learned and then all new knowledge and skills have a strong foundation on which to sit. 

Through acquiring knowledge in this way, children will begin to develop skills, across a range of subjects. Through this development of skills, within a broad and balanced curriculum, children become well-rounded learners.

Our knowledge-rich curriculum does make cross-curricular where it is relevant but we are more and more focused on developing children’s disciplinary knowledge. We want them to think as geographers; as scientists; as learners of all the wonderful subjects we teach!

First and foremost, through our school curriculum, children will have developed a cultural capital which is distinct to our school; children’s place in the world and the value they can add to it. 

Knowledge will have been thoroughly acquired, spirally so it will not be flimsy but connected to a deep-rooted understanding of many different areas.

We also aspire to have developed well-rounded individuals with a broad range of fundamental skills. Through this, we will have created true learners, who will be inspired to thirst for more knowledge and to broaden and enhance their skill set.

Please note, our curriculum is currently undergoing some key developments. We will do our best to keep you informed of our offer but parents may find it useful to refer to our half-termly curriculum letters for up-to-date information. Class teachers email these directly to parents now. If you are not receiving these, please get in touch.

The National Curriculum

The statutory National Curriculum is the programme of study which set out the content which must be taught by the end of each Key Stage. The National Curriculum is made up of three core subjects:

English               Maths               Science

There are also other foundation subjects:

Art & Design         Computing         Design & Technology         Geography

Languages        History        Music        Physical Education

There are also other subjects which are also statutory. These are:

Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PHSE)

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

Religious Education

Early Years Foundation Stage

The statutory framework for the early years foundation stage sets out the standards for learning, development and care for children, from birth up to the age of five.

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674 (Finance and Personnel enquiries) (Parent / Carer general enquiries) (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

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