Pupil Premium & COVID Catch Up Funding

Pupil Premium is a grant given by the government to schools to decrease the attainment gap for the most disadvantaged pupils. The Strategy Statement describes the school’s intended plan as to how this annual ring-fenced government funding will be spent and describes the impact the funding had on this group of vulnerable pupils. 

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement 2024-2025

Pupil Premium Statement 2023-2024

Pupil Premium Statement 2022-2023

Pupil Premium Statement 2021-2022

Investment of Pupil Premium Grant 2020-21

Review of Pupil Premium Grant 2020-2021

COVID Catch Up

Covid-19 Catch Up Strategy

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674

finance@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Finance and Personnel enquiries)
office@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Parent / Carer general enquiries)
bjarmain@hethersettwoodside.org.uk (Site Manager / Premises enquiries)

What 3 Words: reflect.composed.vaulting