Art & Design

At Hethersett Woodside, we want our children to use Art as a means of non-verbal communication and creative expression. As they explore and create with a range of media, materials, tools and techniques, our pupils will learn resourcefulness and perseverance. We aim for them to develop their thinking skills as they reflect on their own and others’ work, as well as to solve problems and find solutions to achieve their aims.  

We expect our children to experience a sense of achievement in their works of art but also in the effort and the processes they used, increasing their self-esteem and self-confidence.

We aim for our children to develop important life skills as they cooperate to work collaboratively together on projects, gaining a sense of responsibility and accountability for their individual contribution to the whole.

Woodside pupils will learn to understand and appreciate a variety of works of Art and the part they have played in the expression of ideas and culture, both past and present. By making links with home and family, friends and school, their village community and the wider world our children will gain a better understanding of themselves and their relation to others, reflecting on and challenging the ways they feel, think and act.

The teaching of Art at Hethersett Woodside is supported by the Suffolk County Council scheme called Art & Design in Suffolk Key Stages One and Two, which is used in the primary years. Early Years use the guidance for Expressive Arts and Design in Development Matters in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Ideas and resources to support your child’s learning at home:

  • Draw With Rob: Children’s author and illustrator, shares videos on how to draw his characters.
  • Tate Kids: Play games and quizzes, explore and make art.

Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School
Coachmaker Way, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3GN

Headteacher: Mrs Louise Mainwaring
Deputy Headteacher: Mr Sam Carter
Assistant Head teachers: Mrs Nicola Ingham and Mrs Samantha Easey

Tel: 01603 810674 (Finance and Personnel enquiries) (Parent / Carer general enquiries)

What 3 Words: reflect.composed.vaulting