Vision Statement
Using computers and other digital devices is an integral part of modern society. At Hethersett Woodside, we believe that every child should have the tools to utilise such technology in a useful, efficient and safe way. Through excellent teaching and resources, children at Hethersett Woodside learn in such a way that benefits and enriches their lives, both day-to-day and in future careers. In addition, we use technology to provide beneficial cross-curricular learning opportunities and resources to meet the learning needs of all children.
We aim to:
- Provide an exciting, rich, relevant and challenging computing curriculum for all pupils.
- Teach pupils to become responsible, respectful and competent users of data, information and communication technology
- Provide technology solutions for forging better home and school links, such as through our use of Class Dojo and Tapestry
- Teach pupils to understand the importance of governance and legislation regarding how information is used, stored, created, retrieved, shared and manipulated
- Make computing inclusive by providing children with SEND with activities that help them achieve
- Equip pupils with skills, strategies and knowledge that will enable them to reap the benefits of the online world, whilst being able to minimise risk to themselves or others
- Instil critical thinking, reflective learning and a ‘can do’ attitude for all our pupils, particularly when engaging with technology and its associated resources
- Ensure children reach the objectives of the national curriculum through our use of Purple Mash
- Use a spiral curriculum throughout the school in order to regularly re-visit important content and boost understanding